Jeremy Macdonnell

Jeremy Macdonnell's Fundraiser

Can we change lives? With your help, hell yeah! image

Can we change lives? With your help, hell yeah!

So what do you say? You can’t take it with ya. Hook a brother up!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$11,675 towards $5,000

Hello friends. Who am I? My name is Jeremy Macdonnell, past and present Victim Center board member. Anyone that knows me, knows I hate talking about myself. I’m a simple man with simple needs, in a complicated world. Enough said. Let’s talk Victim Center. They’re super badass! They supply free of charge counseling to the victims of violent or sexual crime. As we say, just because it’s free of charge to the victim, doesn’t mean it’s free of cost. Seriously folks, it’s expensive. I could talk on and on about The Victim Center and what they do but I will save that for a one on one discussion anytime. Just give me a shout. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to hear story after story of healing victims, that has been made possible, due to the actions of The Victim Center’s staff. The Victim Center provides victims the services that send them down the road to recovery. Who paves that road? Well it’s not MODOT. It’s you and people just like you. Thank you for your donation.