Michael Miller

Michael Miller's Fundraiser

Help me support The Victim Center image

Help me support The Victim Center

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$4,475 towards $4,000

Life is filled with opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others. Supporting The Victim Center is one of those great opportunities. I served on the Board of Directors for The Victim Center from 2014 until 2020, and am amazed daily at the impact it has on the lives of those in Southwest Missouri.

Free of charge, it provides preventative education in schools, businesses and organizations, a 24-hour crises response line, counseling, and advocates to help those that have been victims of a violent or sexual crime. As our former ED liked to say, it is free of charge, but not free of cost. Without donations and grants. The Victim Center cannot provide the services that are so needed in our area.

So, I am asking for money to help support The Victim Center. Because of the generosity of so many, I was able to raise $6,100 in 2019, $4,275 in 2020, $4,722 in 2021, and $4,130 in 2022. I hope people will continue to donate and have a positive impact on The Victim Center.

Please hit the link and donate. If you haven't needed the services of The Victim Center, it is likely you know someone that has. Only with support of the community can we continue to offer such needed services.